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SpaceMaster Scientific Workshop

23 Oct 2023   13:00-15:25

Scientific Workshop at the FEE Department of Control Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Charles Square Campus, Building E, Zenger's Lecture Hall; KN:E-107

Companies for the Graduates - ongoing activities, companies' current needs in competences, potential recruitment

13:00 Welcome, Victoria Barabash, (SpaceMaster Consortium Coordinator, Head of the Division of Space Technology, Luleå University of Technology) and Kristian Hengster-Movrić, (SpaceMaster Academic Coordinator, Department of Control Engineering, FEE, Czech Technical University);

13:00–13:10 Czech Ministry of Transportation, Václav Kobera, (Director, Department of Intelli-gent Transport Systems, Space Activities and Research, Development and Innovation);

13:10–13:20 EUSPA, Christina Giannopapa, (Head of EUSPA Executive Director’s Office);

13:20–13:30 ESA BIC Czech Republic, Marie Němečková, (Incubation Manager);

13:30–13:40 Eaton European Innovation Centre, Petr Liškář, Dr. Jozef Zakucia, Dr. Pavel Cejnar – (Eaton Research Labs), Luboš Tomiška, (engineering director, Eaton Research Lab and Vehicle group);

13:40–13:50 Honeywell Aerospace;

13:50–14:00 esc Aerospace, Oxana Kovářová, (Head of Research and Development Contracts);

14:00–14:25 Coffee break

Poster session in the Access Hall to Zenger’s Lecture Hall;

(Refreshments will be served)

SpaceMaster Alumni:

14:25–14:35 Tubitak Uzay, Burak Yaglioglu (online), (Project Manager), Round 4;

14:35–14:45 Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Philipp Wittmann, (Research Engr.), Round 10;

14:45–14:55 Dhruva Space, Sanjay Nekkanti, (Founder & CEO), Round 6;

14:55–15:05 Isaware, David Leal Martinez, (CEO), Round 3;

15:05–15:15 Airbus Blue Sky, Jean-Dominique Coste, (Senior Manager), Round 2;

15:15–15:25 Giron Space Organization (GSO), Calum Lonie, Luleå University of Technology;

ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta elektrotechnická, Zengerova poslucárna KN:E-107 na Karlově náměstí
Online event URL
ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta elektrotechnická
Contact person
Kristian Hengster-Movric, hengskri@fel.cvut.cz, 770149142
More information