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Elections to the Academic Senate of CTU and Academic Senate of FEE

22 Nov 2022-23 Nov 2022  

Dear members of the FEE academic community,
elections to the Academic Senate CTU (AS CTU) and to the Academic Senate FEE (AS FEE) will take place on November 22 and November 23, 2022. The elections will be held online at http://volby.fel.cvut.cz/
In the AS CTU election, five representatives of the FEE are elected to the AS CTU, three members of academic staff and two students. Representatives of academic workers are elected by academic workers, and the length of the term is three years. Representatives of students are elected by students, and the length of the term is one and two years, according to Article 1, Paragraph 10 of the Electoral Code of AS CTU.
In the AS FEE election, five representatives of students are elected by students for two-year terms.
Candidates can submit theirPředmět: Kandidátka do AS FEL/AS ČVUT Příloha: kandidatka-asfel/ascvut-username.pdf candidature until October 31, 2022, 23:59 CET. The candidature is required to fulfill the requirements in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 2 of the Electoral Code of AS FEL.
Record of the discussion with candidates: https://youtu.be/GE3TLMdIbjg

Contact person
Ing. Jakub Svatoš, Ph.D., předseda volební komise, volby@fel.cvut.cz
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