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MAFIA Seminar: Frederic Herau (Universite de Nantes) - A Korn-Wirtinger inequality

09.04.2019   13:15-14:15

Srdečně vás zveme na další MAFIA Seminar. Pozvání přijal Frederic Herau (Universite de Nantes) s přednáškou na téma A Korn-Wirtinger inequality. Seminář se koná v budově FJFI Trojanova 13, Praha 2 v místnosti T112.

Abstract: In kinetic theory or in other fields, some control of the gradient by
the symmetric gradient of the macroscopic velocity of a system of particle may be necessary, since only the second quantity appears naturally in physical equations.
This type of inequality is known on bounded domains with or without axisym-
metries. In this talk, we present a version on the whole space equipped with a probability measure, and give an example where this type of tool may be useful.
This is a joint work with K. Carrapatoso, J. Dolbeault, S. Mischler, C. Mouhot, and C. Schmeiser.

Místo konání
Budova FJFI ČVUT v Praze, Trojanova 13, Praha 2
Fakulta jaderná a fyzikálně inženýrská ČVUT v Praze
Kontaktní osoba
Ing. Matěj Tušek, Ph.D., matej.tusek@fjfi.cvut.cz