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Fakultní kolokvium: Prof. Horácio Fernandes (University of Lisbon) - World Pendulum project and e-la

27.03.2019   15:30

Srdečně vás zveme na další fakultní kolokvium, které se bude konat ve středu 27. 3. 2019 od 15.30 hodin v místnosti B115 (Břehová 7, Praha 1). Hostem bude Prof. Horácio Fernandes (University of Lisbon) s přednáškou World Pendulum project and e-lab. Půl hodiny před kolokviem se bude podávat čaj a káva.

e-lab is a remotely controlled laboratory localized at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) of the University of Lisbon.
This laboratory provides remote control of real physics experiments over the Internet. Its main purposes are:
• to provide e-learning of science (24 hours per day and 7 days a week), by providing real scientific experiments (remotely controlled ) and the tools needed for the subsequent data analysis ,
• to provide to teachers and professors an auxiliary tool based on information and communication technologies for science,
• to motivate students to learn science by showing them real situations that prove the theory,
• to allow the realization of not so safe experiments (e.g. radioactivity), and
• to provide expensive experiments which cannot be acquired by a school or institution. Because of this, e-lab is a free, accessible, remotely controlled laboratory and can be accessed by everyone which has a computer with internet.
Some of these experiments are delocalized and one is particularly paradigmatic as it highlight the full potential of remote labs: the World Pendulum. Effectively the constellations of pendulums on e-lab allow users to measure local gravity at different latitudes bringing up a more accurate reading for the geodesic's models and our perception of Earths movement and structure.
If you are a believer of cosmic geocentric model we have assignments for you.

Místo konání
Budova FJFI ČVUT v Praze, Břehová 7, Praha 1
Fakulta jaderná a fyzikálně inženýrská ČVUT v Praze
Kontaktní osoba
Mgr. Jaroslav Bielčík, Ph.D., jaroslav.bielcik@fjfi.cvut.cz
Podrobnější informace