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Seminář Dopplerova Institutu: Ondřej Hruška (MFF) - The study of non-expanding Plebański-Demiański

11 Dec 2019   16:00

Srdečně vás zveme na prosincový seminář Dopplerova Institutu. Přednášet bude Ondřej Hruška (MFF, čerstvý nositel čestného uznání soutěže o Cenu Václava Votruby) na téma The study of non-expanding Plebański-Demiański solutions. Seminář se koná výjimečně ve středu 11. 12. 2019 od 16.00 hodin v posluchárně B111.

The Plebański-Demiański class of solutions describes spacetimes of algebraic type D with an aligned non-null electromagnetic field and a cosmological constant. When the repeated principal null directions have non-zero expansion, it describes generalized black holes with rotation, acceleration, charges, NUT parameter and possibly non-zero cosmological constant. We study the complementary non-expanding case of Plebański-Demiański metric, which has not received as much attention as its expanding counterpart. Minkowski, de Sitter and anti-de Sitter spacetimes in Plebański-Demiański coordinates are studied as a background for a more general subcase of metric, so-called B-metrics by the classification of Ehlers and Kundt. A possible physical interpretation of the B-metrics is that they describe gravitational field of a tachyon; in a sense, they are counterparts of the Schwarzschild black hole solution. When the cosmological constant is non-zero, we obtain a tachyon in (anti-)de Sitter spacetime. The B-metrics can be further generalized to include the so-called “anti-NUT” parameter and electric and magnetic charges.

Budova FJFI ČVUT, Břehová 7, Praha 1
Fakulta jaderná a fyzikálně inženýrská ČVUT v Praze
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prof. RNDr. Pavel Exner, CSc.
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