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MAFIA Seminar: Pasha Zusmanovich (Ostravská univerzita) - CD-algebras

26.11.2019   13:15

Srdečně vás zveme na další MAFIA Seminar. Přednášet bude Pasha Zusmanovich (Ostravská univerzita) na téma CD-algebras. Seminář se koná v úterý 26. 11. 2019 od 13.15 hodin v budově FJFI Trojanova 13, Praha 2 v místnosti T112.

Consider the following natural condition for a (generally, nonassociative) algebra: the commutator of two right (or left) multiplications is a derivation. Such commutative algebras include Jordan algebras and were studied in the literature under the name "Lie triple algebras". We initiate the study of such anticommutative algebras, dubbing them CD-algebras. Obviously, Lie algebras are CD-algebras. It turns out that CD-algebras are, in a sense, central extensions of Lie algebras, what suggests the study of low-degree cohomology of Lie algebras in the broader category of CD-algebras. We will discuss possible definitions of such cohomology, and some conjectures (like analogues of the first and second Whitehead lemmas) suggested by numerical experiments.

Místo konání
Budova FJFI ČVUT v Praze, Trojanova 13, Praha 2
Fakulta jaderná a fyzikálně inženýrská ČVUT v Praze
Kontaktní osoba
Ing. Matěj Tušek, Ph.D., matej.tusek@fjfi.cvut.cz