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Fifth Generation of Jet-Fighters

01.11.2017   17:45

Engineering Student Club pořádá odbornou přednášku – Fifth Generation of Jet-Fighters.

Přednášet bude uznávaný letecký inženýr Danijel Vuković.

Přednáška proběhne v angličtině bez tlumočení, v úterý 1. listopadu 2017 na Fakultě strojní ČVUT v Praze, Technická 4, Praha 6, posluchárna 266 (2. patro), od 17.45 hodin.

Sledujte informace na stránce události na Facebooku Engineering Student Club - ESC

Fifth generation of the fighter aircraft of today is designed to fulfill a so-called 3S concept - Stealth, Supermaneuverability and Supercruise which are in some aspects in opposite relations. Besides 3S, there are requirements on advanced avionics, radar and weapons to overcome and suppress the previous generation of the fighter aircraft. Each of this requirements has a specific influences and on the end there are a compromises that results on more or less fulfillment of the each. On today's most popular 5th generation fighter aircraft such are F-22, F-35, Su-57, J-20 and J-31 different design approaches may be found according to dominant requirements selected which consequently lead to the specific aircraft shape and main role optimization.

Místo konání
Technická 4, Praha 6, posluchárna 266 (2. patro)
Kontaktní osoba
Petr Šuhájek, esc@lists.su.cvut.cz
Podrobnější informace