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How to Write a Paper for IEEE Journals and Navigate the Review Process

14 Sep 2015   10:50-12:00

The careers of many people depends on their success in writing and getting their papers published. More important, the scientific process requires that scientific findings be published so that other researchers may build on your ideas or refute your findings. If authors are not able to publish their papers, then their careers are hurt and scientific progress slows and stops. Therefore, it is critical that researchers and engineers understand the process of writing and getting published their papers in reputable and cited journals and scientific conferences. However, often, authors? papers are rejected because they did not understand what reviewers, Associate Editors, and Editors are looking for in a paper, even if the technical results are good.

This presentation will cover the steps that an author should take to increase the acceptance rate of their papers in journals and conference. It will cover the reasons most papers are rejected and how an author should organize their paper to avoid those reasons. Lastly, it will present what steps you should take if your paper is rejected to get it published in the same journal or in a different journal.

Karlovo náměstí 13, Praha 2, FEL, budova E, místnost 107
Department of measurement
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doc. Ing. Pavel Pačes, Ph.D, pacesp@fel.cvut.cz
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