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MAFIA seminar: Juan Manuel Pérez-Pardo (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

07.03.2024   14:00-15:00

Název přednášky: Controlling the state of a quantum particle in a box by moving the walls
Anotace: I will present a quantum mechanical system consisting in a free particle trapped in a one-dimensional box. The position of the walls of the box can be changed by an external force. This system is governed by the non-autonomous Schrödinger equation. I will show that for any given initial and target states, there exists a movement of the walls that drives the initial state arbitrarily close to the target state. This is joint work with A. Balmaseda and D. Lonigro.

Místo konání
FJFI ČVUT v Praze: Trojanova 13
URL online akce
Kontaktní osoba
Matěj Tušek