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Habilitační přednáška (Ing. Pavel Mach, Ph.D.)

13.11.2024   13:00-13:40

Habilitační přednáška a obhajoba habilitační práce před vědeckou radou fakulty na téma: Správa rádiových prostředků pro retranslaci v budoucích mobilních sítích/Radio Resource Management for Relaying in Future Mobile Networks.

This talk aims at the concept of relaying that can significantly improve performance of contemporary mobile networks in terms of capacity and/or energy consumption. However, the incorporation of rather complex relay stations into the mobile networks can be very expensive in terms of both capital and operational expenditures for the mobile operators. With an evolution of Device-to-device (D2D) communication, the relaying can be facilitated via any device (e.g., smartphone, IoT device, vehicle, etc.), paradigm known as a D2D relaying. The D2D relaying offers a plenty of opportunities for the relaying as, in theory, each device can play a role of the relay. To fully unlock all benefits of D2D relaying, however, there are still many challenges to be addressed. Hence, this talk first introduces an incentive-based resource allocation framework ensuring that all devices involved in relaying can benefit by capacity improvement, energy consumption decrease, or combination of both. Unfortunately, not all devices are always able to profit from relaying due to their “unlucky” location. Hence, a resource allocation principle extending the relaying also to devices not directly involved in the relaying is introduced. Last, this talk demonstrates that the relaying concept has many applications and use cases, including content caching, load balancing, or offloading of computationally demanding applications from the devices to the edge servers in proximity.

Místo konání
T2:D3-209, prezenční formou
Kontaktní osoba
Mgr. Helena Hakenová, hakenhel@fel.cvut.cz, 224 352 791
Podrobnější informace