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EuroTeQ seminář: The curriculum belongs to all of us

25.03.2024   12:30-13:30

How can programs get the commitment of lecturers and students when revising a curriculum? Alessandro Di Bucchianico, program director of the bachelor and master programs mathematics at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, shares his experiences with creating the BC 2.0 curriculum of the Applied Mathematics bachelor program. In this lunch roundtable, he also explains how they analysed the shortcomings of the BC 1.0 curriculum, and how they tried to overcome these shortcomings. More importantly, he highlights how they secured the involvement of lecturers as well as students in the process.


Místo konání
EuroTeQ - Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)
Kontaktní osoba
Libuše Petržílková, euroteq@cvut.cz
Podrobnější informace